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New AZ-P1 Giant
AZ-P1 Giant Is sportingly and hand tuned pistol.
We are polishing each inner parts including barrel, that requiers smooth surface, to achieve best possible actions such as smooth and crisp trigger and slide action.
Trigger SA – flat, adjustable according the lenght of the finger, best trigger travel 2-3mm
Point trigger SA and light trigger pull
Scope mount for red-dot mounted on the frame
Adjustable thumb rest for support to reduce the recoil
Hand fitted and polished slide with frame to achieve no plays between the parts and smoothest action, polished and hand fitted threaded barell
New weapon design
These pistols are chiefly intended for the Open divisions of the IPSC.
We will present the AZ-P1 Giant model this year at Shot Show 2023 - USA, IWA 2023 - Nuremberg